
Some of my favourite projects and past experience that I want to highlight.


Immortal Objects for Python
Immortal Objects for Python

In my time on the Instagram Web Server team I worked to implement and validate the implementation of immortal instances in our internal fork of Python which has since been ported upstream into the official Python Source. IG is build with django and uses a pre-fork model to handle multiple requests. We noticed an increase in private memory per process while shared memory would descrease over a series of requests. This work allowed us to improve copy on write performance resulting in both memory and millions in cost savings.

2020 - Current


My quarantine side-project when covid began was to productize the todo list I had built for myself during college. It was an exploration of novel UI and UX methods to elicit feelings of calmness, relaxation, and clarity when approaching the mental taxation of creating lists. Developed for iOS first, following the release I'm working to make this a cross platform experience.


L1 Auto Directed Video Stabilization
L1 Auto Directed Video Stabilization

Following my attempt at developing a rudimentary video stabilizer for my Computer Vision course's final project I wanted to explore industry approaches. Looking into the topic I found a research paper by Google titled Auto Directed Video Stabilization with Robust L1 Optimal Camera Paths. This is my implementation of methods presented in the paper. To read more about this I have also written a blog post on it.


Panorama Stitching + Image Processing Library
Panorama Stitching + Image Processing Library

A basic Image Library and Video Stabilization Tool in C++ containing low level image processing pipelines for applying filters, Harris corner detection, panorama stitching, and optical flow. Includes a rough attempt at video stabilization for the course's final. The project was built up incremently through the assignments for UW CSE 455 - Computer Vision.


xv6 - Unix Operating System
xv6 - Unix Operating System

This is my implementation of the xv6 POSIX-like kernel from CSE 451 OS - Fall 2017. xv6 is a modern reimplementation of Sixth Edition Unix. This was the first time this project (titled xk in the course material). This project sparked my love for operating systems and working at the systems level. I later went on to TA the course and build up support and infrastructure for this codebase.



After taking the operating systems course at the University of Washington, professor Tom Anderson took on some students to extend the operating system we built into a lightweight hypervisor that attempts to give more control and flexibility at the operating system level to better serve the purposes of applications running on them.


Citrus - Motivational Task Manager
Citrus - Motivational Task Manager

This is the first large scale project I ever undertook. Having never programmed before I wanted to build an iOS app so with my best friend in high school we both create Citrus which went on to eventually become featured on the Apple App Store as Best New App in Germany, Sweden, and Austria. This was my first exposure to iOS development and sparked my love for the development ecosystem.
