
I'm a caffeine based lifeform ☕️ currently working as a software engineer at Meta Reality Labs on the Eye Tracking Computer Vision and ML Algorithms team. You can read about my prior experience at Instagram and Microsoft here . Sometimes I teach; throughout college I was a TA for the intro progamming course and later the upper division OS course. Post-grad I volunteer occasionally to TA for Stanford's Code In Place program. I would not be here without the patience of those who taught me and I feel as if its only right to pass it on. What started as a creative hobby of designing and developing iOS apps with my best friend grew into a technical interest and career pursuit. In general I love learning (and teaching) and I use code as my medium to express my creativity.

I'm currently working on an app called Meraki, tinkering with some microcontroller projects, and building a knowledge graph browser extension.

In my free time I love playing soccer, tennis, boxing, reading, and cooking. You can find me enjoying a nice cup of coffee somewhere or seeking out warm weather and a beach to go for a surf.
